Saturday 16 March 2013

Vanities and Vexations, a Pride and Prejudice sequel, one step closer!

I got my proof copy today of Vanities and Vexations and I'm liking the way the cover looks printed, so now all I need is for my proof reading victims to check out typos and any stray wrong names from when I changed certain things....
Those people familiar with Vanities and Vexations from the fan sites I posted the first copy on will hopefully like the addition of frisky charades for Anne and John,  the mention of chalked floors and the school for Embroideressers [thanks to Kathryn Kane for her excellent information thereof]

These are the elements I used to make the cover, which I did purely in the computer, a first for me!  I took a number of figures from around the right period from fashion plated out of Ackermann's Repository and added them to a background of a colour to match the age-darkened paper.

1813 vol 9 Ackermann's
when I saw this I thought of Kitty, and the balustrades gave me an idea.  Well it took some jiggery pokery but I managed to marry the two visible balustrades together and make a whole row of them, which initially I intended to go just across the front.  I think it was an inspired idea to take them across the back too...

I found it easy to choose Georgiana, a tall elegant girl, and her classical piece of decoration went well enough with the balustrades: 
1814 vol 11 Ackermann's

Mary wasn't so easy but I plumped on this one because it went nicely with the others and the girl looked a little diffident.

1813 vol 9 Ackermann's

I had a choice of seated figures for Anne and I chose this one because she has a long pelisse-like outer garment that might be for extra warmth, a cap, and is writing. 

1813 vol 10 Ackermann's

You will notice that I chose to mirror this picture in the finished cover to be looking towards the other girls, but slightly separated to suggest the initial wariness, even as Mary is looking away from Kitty. 

So I put those together....

And the final result? 

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