Friday 27 September 2013

Review: 'The Fencing Master's Daughter' by Giselle Marks

I admit I have a vested interest in this book as I did do the artwork for the cover.  I originally did it in midnight blue, but Giselle prefers green, and that's what computer paint programs are for!

Here's the blurb:

Edward, Earl of Chalcombe, walking home, is attacked by footpads. He attempts to defend himself but is bludgeoned to the ground. Death seems inevitable when a fat ugly man carrying a stick and a beautiful slender young lady appeared. The young lady stumbles and picks up his dropped foil, dispatching one footpad and injuring another. The fat man belabours a third with his stick. The footpads flee, leaving their deceased comrade behind. The rescuers bundle Edward home.
The young lady, Madelaine summons the Bow Street runners. Refusing reward she provides no address. But Edward fascinated by both Madelaine’s beauty and swordsmanship intends to pursue the acquaintance. Edward seeks his rescuers and the culprits who wish to terminate his life. Offering the elusive Madelaine marriage but she repeatedly declines. Her father accepts an invitation to visit his estate with her over Christmas as he takes a liking to Edward.
As Edward pursues Madelaine, the attempts on his life continue. The sinister French spy, Major Furet, discovered as the arch nemesis in both Edward and Madelaine’s stories. The mystery intertwines as their romance progresses and Madelaine eventually reveals the secret making her refuse to marry him.

The Fencing Master's Daughter is a fast-paced and exciting story with plenty of romance in it but too with a well-crafted and plausible plotline, and - you all know my preferences - some delightfully drawn secondary characters.  The reader wants Edward and Madelaine to be together where they belong, and long to find out why she refuses the offer of marriage from a man she's plainly in love with.  
Madelaine is a heroine after my own heart, no shrinking violet!  She has no hesitation in setting out on a rescue when it becomes necessary, and is a perfect foil - pun intended - to the intrepid Edward.  

find it HERE  at Front Porch Romance
Below the two original pastel pictures I did.... 

Friday 13 September 2013

Friday 13th Lucky for some! Friends and Fortunes published!

So it's here at last, Friends and Fortunes, inspired by Georgette Heyer, and whilst nobody can aspire to her ability, I hope it's a fun read... I thought I'd post the pic with and without all the words and blurb on as I had great fun doing the cover.  There will be a link presently when it's up....